Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So here are some random confessions that are pretty stupid but true:
- Sometimes I play CSI with the scotch tape at work
- I have a list of celebrities that I am secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) obsessed with, including a top 5 hottest
- When I'm driving by myself sometimes I try to make a loud siren noise (this mostly consists of me screaming at the top of my lungs)
- I laugh at my own jokes more than anyone else
- I know every word to Ice Ice Baby and am pretty proud (and secretly happy) when it comes on and I sing along
- I have worn a bodysuit and done a version of Beyonce's Single Lady dance (only in my own home without an audience, of course)
- I am not superstitious but still do superstitious things...you know, just in case.
- I will make up elaborate stories if I know someone is eavesdropping on my conversation in a restaurant.
- I eavesdrop on other people's conversations in restaurants.
- Ice Ice Baby isn't the only 90's song that I know and am proud to sing
- I sometimes draw fake beauty marks on my face with eyeliner, but I usually can't stop at one and before I know it I've drawn a constellation on my face...and then I connect the dots...
- I waste a lot of eyeliner
- Sometimes I act dumb so that I don't have to do something or explain something.
- Sometimes I act deaf for the same above mentioned reason.
- I sometimes ignore people I know in the store just because I don't want to talk to them (or have to explain the weird eyeliner marks all over my face)
- I will wave my arms around a room every so often, just in case my magic powers have kicked in.

I'm kind of getting carried away here but I thought these are just some of the weird things I needed to get off my chest. Do you have any confessions you want to share?


Anonymous said...

TMI, but funny! I will say I have never drawn a constellation on my face. but have wasted a lot of eyeliner drawing other things on my face AKA "mustach, and extra long eye lashes" I too love to sing at the top of my lungs,but to the 70's music.

Jess and Shay said...

oh man that made my day!! i'm right there with ya on the ice ice baby I even have Shay doing it. And the whole superstituous thing yup me too! Sure there was more but can't recall how come it doesn't let you see post you are commenting on while you are commenting that would be helpful!! you are the best!!!

kera said...

i bust out random dance moves which mostly involve waving my arms around and a little hip action...
i sing to myself in the car or whenever i'm by myself, pretending i'm on american idol...
i know all the words to savage garden's i want you... go 90's!
i haven't tried the eyeliner thing tho.