Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stop yelling at me Lenny Kravitz!!

The thought crossed my mind last night when on my way home from work as I reached over to change the radio station ‘Why is Lenny Kravitz yelling at me?’ Has anyone else had this sensation? I suppose I was lost in my thoughts as the music in my car settled into the background until I was rudely interrupted by Mr. Kravitz giving me a what’s for in the form of a song. I don’t pretend to be a connoisseur of good music. Some may actually say I have no taste in music at all. I don’t have an extensive music collection or even own an i-pod for that matter. I don’t stick a particular genre of music…one minute you may hear a rap song…followed by a country song…followed by a little Dean Martin…followed by a little Justin Timberlake…blaring from my car on any given day. I’m an equal opportunity listener….unless you are a commercial (as anyone who has ever sat in a car or watched television with me can attest to). Is it really too much to ask that you don’t yell at me? (I know, I know…some of you are thinking ‘Well why don’t you just turn it down princess (this is the new nickname I just decided on trying out…feel free to use it at your leisure) ?’…the answer to that of course is that I refuse to be old and will therefore listen to my radio as loud as I want especially when flying solo).
Anyway, on a little less of a ranting front….I had so much fun with the Young Women last night! For those of you who may or may not know, I’m the YW pres in my ward. I’ve had this calling for a little over a year now… and needless to say it can sometimes present something of a challenge. Last night the girls had planned to “learn to sew” which roughly translates to me having to “teach sewing” to the YW. Let’s just say that I was less than enthusiastic about the prospect (especially following the great tablecloth disaster of ’08…lets just say the RS won’t be asking us to help with service anytime soon). So…I decided to go back to the basics…we were learning how to sew buttons on a swatch of material (FYI it is the material I bought for my Halloween costume…I was going to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz…but now I’m not…it’s a long story but it ends with fangs and a toupee). After the button sewing fun, we ended the night with paper airplanes (one of which got stuck on the roof of the church), delicious bread (this is funny because it was lemon cake and was actually blessed as delicious bread in our closing prayer), and lots of giggles. Overall a good time was had by all.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Mormon 500

So this weekend was pretty eventful. I took myself a 4 day weekend from the stress of work. Okay, so my job isn’t that stressful…but who couldn’t use a four day weekend, right? Friday was my mom’s birthday and so my parents made the loooooong trek from the far reaches of the badlands of New Mexico to Espanola. It’s only about a 6 hour drive but with long stretches of nothing broken up by little towns with nothing it feels like it’s at least a 3 day trip. On the plus side, you do go through Roswell and the McDonald’s is built like a spaceship!
So, it was a birthday weekend extravaganza…which we celebrated by going stake conference. I’m not exactly sure when it happened but somewhere along the way I apparently became an adult. I realized this while at the “adult” session of stake conference on Saturday night. I live now in the same ward and consequently in the same stake I grew up in. People actually come and shake my hand like they know me…separate from my parents. Totally weird! I don’t feel like I should be hobnobbing with the grown-ups but I find myself in that situation over and over again. I told my mom that I’m not a grown-up I just play one at church.
Sunday morning we were on our way again to conference and that is when the race is really on!! THE MORMON 500!!!! Okay, so it generally takes about 45 minutes to drive to our stake building from our house. There are several other wards coming from the same direction to descend early on the sleepy city of Santa Fe. It’s really surprising the speed and agility of those Mormons. And they usually pretend they don’t see or recognize you (even though you just saw them at Sam’s club the night before yesterday’s conference). I think I actually saw a guy wearing driving gloves! It really is like being in a race for your life…your celestial life! The race begins at least a half hour before conference actually begins. I assume the reasoning for the race has to do with the limited number of cushioned pews at the church. As one missionary put it, it is the celestial section of conference. The atmosphere is more subdued (I’m not sure if its reverence or smugness over the fact that these people get to be the cushion sitters….as you can tell I wasn’t celestial material). The next group of course is the terrestrial section. (I always seem to land in this group) Just past the pews it’s the few rows that still try to maintain some semblance of reverence while sitting uncomfortably on folding chairs in the gym. The decibel level is just a bit higher than the celestial sitters and it’s a lot easier not to pay so much attention to the speakers…they definitely can’t see you as well when you accidentally nod off anyway…as long as you don’t fall off your metal folding chair. The last section of course is the telestial group. This is the group that doesn’t even try to pretend that they aren’t sitting on metal at the back of a gym. They carry on conversations, color, play games and spread out on the floor for nap time…this is the adults of course. This is usually the general area where, during a prayer you hear a loud thud and then crying come from (those badminton games sure can get out of hand). There of course is the outer darkness group who sit in the kitchen making lunch instead of even coming into the same room as actual conference.
Well, I made it though another round. It’s time again to start my training for the next go round of the Mormon 500. Maybe in 6 months I will actually make it to the celestial seating!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, since the rest of the world has joined the blogging world I figured I would join in too. In case you were wondersing I guess the answer would be yes, I would jump off a bridge if my friends did. Since I get to stalk some of my favorite people I figured I should make it equal opportunity and start one too even though I will warn you all now that my life isn't super exciting or interesting. Once in awhile I have interesting thoughts that I wish I had some outlet to realease them. After reading this you may all be cursing Bill Blog...or whomever it was that invented the blog. Last weekend my sister and I were out and about shopping. We stopped for lunch at the Eatza Pizza buffet and arcade. (Great idea, crappy food...don't buy into the hype.) Well, the mens Olympic water polo team was playing on the 72 big screens surrounding our table. Is it just me or does Olympic water polo look like code for professional keep away? Don't get me wrong...I have to give mad props to the stamina of these athletes, and I can more than appreciate their svelte physique, but when the go-to move seems to be the fake-out pass I begin to see the similarities to my skills in the timeless tradition of water keep away. Maybe I've just been a secret agent water polo player in disguise...okay, maybe not...but it definitely gives me something to think about. Well, this is probably the sort of drivel that you can expect...if you choose to stalk me too. Enjoy!!