Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stop yelling at me Lenny Kravitz!!

The thought crossed my mind last night when on my way home from work as I reached over to change the radio station ‘Why is Lenny Kravitz yelling at me?’ Has anyone else had this sensation? I suppose I was lost in my thoughts as the music in my car settled into the background until I was rudely interrupted by Mr. Kravitz giving me a what’s for in the form of a song. I don’t pretend to be a connoisseur of good music. Some may actually say I have no taste in music at all. I don’t have an extensive music collection or even own an i-pod for that matter. I don’t stick a particular genre of music…one minute you may hear a rap song…followed by a country song…followed by a little Dean Martin…followed by a little Justin Timberlake…blaring from my car on any given day. I’m an equal opportunity listener….unless you are a commercial (as anyone who has ever sat in a car or watched television with me can attest to). Is it really too much to ask that you don’t yell at me? (I know, I know…some of you are thinking ‘Well why don’t you just turn it down princess (this is the new nickname I just decided on trying out…feel free to use it at your leisure) ?’…the answer to that of course is that I refuse to be old and will therefore listen to my radio as loud as I want especially when flying solo).
Anyway, on a little less of a ranting front….I had so much fun with the Young Women last night! For those of you who may or may not know, I’m the YW pres in my ward. I’ve had this calling for a little over a year now… and needless to say it can sometimes present something of a challenge. Last night the girls had planned to “learn to sew” which roughly translates to me having to “teach sewing” to the YW. Let’s just say that I was less than enthusiastic about the prospect (especially following the great tablecloth disaster of ’08…lets just say the RS won’t be asking us to help with service anytime soon). So…I decided to go back to the basics…we were learning how to sew buttons on a swatch of material (FYI it is the material I bought for my Halloween costume…I was going to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz…but now I’m not…it’s a long story but it ends with fangs and a toupee). After the button sewing fun, we ended the night with paper airplanes (one of which got stuck on the roof of the church), delicious bread (this is funny because it was lemon cake and was actually blessed as delicious bread in our closing prayer), and lots of giggles. Overall a good time was had by all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yelling singer are a problem that must be stopped at all cost, a.k.a. turning the station. But without these rude awakenings from my humdrum life, I travel home from work without any recolection of the drive. Did I run a red light? How fast was I going? Was that a speed bump or pedestrian? So while Mr. Kravitz is annoying he keeps things "lively".