Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Three Year Old Ruined My Dark Knight!

Happy Labor Day!! Okay, so it’s a day late…and a dollar short. I hope you’re not expecting to get paid by reading this. It will only enrich your life marginally, if at all, and definitely not financially. So I was thinking about why we celebrate Labor Day. So being the inquisitive person I am…I googled it. (I’ll be honest, if it weren’t for the internet and the joy of google, I would be a lot less educated on the trivial facts that I tend to fill my brain with...like Lou Diamod Phillips was born Lou Diamond Upchurch...nothing useful mind you, but I do know a plethora of random facts on stupid things which will be of no use to anyone in this life or the next. I also wouldn’t have bothered looking up any information on this or most other subjects that I wonder about). So in case you were wondering…. “Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.” So to honor the hard working achievements of my fellow Americans…I did absolutely nothing yesterday. I watched other people work in a several hour marathon of Dirty Jobs on the Discovery channel. I didn’t even get out of my pajamas (apparently the neurons in my brain associate “labor-day” with “lazy-day”, it’s practically the same thing…right?) I did do a couple of productive things…I experimented with a new dinner. Experiment being the key word. Let’s just say that it is not something that I will be trying again in the future. Just FYI, orange was not the color I was going for…and it tasted about as good as it sounded. I finally gave up trying to eat it half way through…we resorted to having cookie dough for dinner (the one major upside to being a grown-up). At least dinner ended on a high note!
The rest of the weekend was good too. Friday I babysat for a friend whose husband is into downloading movies. I watched Wall-E (unless you’re REALLY into robot love, I wouldn’t waste my time). I was going to watch Batman after the kiddies were in bed…but due to some unforeseeable events involving a three year old and the remote, that plan didn’t quite work out. So, the moral of this tale….I still haven’t seen Dark Knight. While going to watch House Bunny I saw a preview for a tv show with Christian Slater…with split personalities!!! I know, I had to pinch myself too!! I will leave you with my favorite quote of the weekend from the preview of this show… “Roses are red, violets are blue, I’ve got a split personality…and so do I.” Can’t wait for this gem!


Anonymous said...

You are such a hoot. I am glad that Melissa had this on her blog so I found your blog. In all honesty, you should write a book. You have such a way with words and such a great sense of humor. Thanks for brightening my evening. Love you 22222

Anonymous said...

Amanda filling your head with useless knowlege is a family trait. You know that I can quote movies and songs from stuff that was done before I was born or learning to walk or tackling that whole potty dilemma. Dad said that he does the same thing, this is after I gave him the name of the actress he was thinking of, then followed by the character name of the show he was thinking of, then the other show and character for the same actress. Useless!!! I can even one up you. Lou Diamond Phillips' first wife dumped him for Melissa Etheridge, then dumped her for another dude. Why do I know this? Love Your Blog!

The Chi Guy said...

I do a great impersonation of the Wall-E movie. Really all you need is 10 mintues of repeating Wall-E and Eva intermittently in a different tone and there you have it. What bothers me though is she said her name was Eve, and not Eva and yet thats what Wall-E called her the whole time. Blah. So did you ever get to see the Dark Night. I refuse to watch it. I loved Heath Ledger, I can't bring myself to admit he is gone.