Thursday, February 26, 2009

I ain't afraid of no ghosts!!

So, I’ve been chatting with my good buddy Cecilia today about myths, legends, and scary stories. This was all brought on because I spent the weekend in Gallup visiting my family…and everybody knows there are skinwalkers in Gallup! Let me back up about 20 some years. Growing up whenever we would get together with our all of our cousins my Uncle would always tell us scary stories (this is the same uncle that told us that we had to eat our vegetables so that our boobies would grow…no joke). Not just scary stories, very elaborate scary stories complete with props (okay so maybe the eyeballs were just olives but in the dark when you are an 8 year old chicken, it is very convincing). My cousin Brian picked up right where his dad left off when all the grown ups left. Who can forget the timeless classic of “Jooooohnny…I want my liver back!” (If you don’t know this one, trust me, you’re not missing out) Looking back I realize the stupidity of these stories. However, to this day I refuse to watch scary movies…even the lame ones (I watched the Ring 2 with some friends and even as completely stupid as it was, I had a tough time driving home by myself!!) So, being back in Gallup reminded me of all my irrational fears…which I dealt with by trying to scare my sister with tales of skinwalkers (she totally is not the weenie that I am and my scare tactics didn’t work…but I managed to freak myself out just a little…okay a lot).
Well all of this has gotten me thinking about the scary stories from our childhood. Cecilia and I were talking about La Llorona which is a classic here in Northern New Mexico (and all around the world, especially Kansas City according to Wikipedia). My parents never told us that La Llorona was going to get us, as I have heard other people tell their kids (thank goodness, could you imagine what a lunatic I would be if they had…my mom did tell me that the dogs would get me whenever I would try to run away…which was surprisingly often…and I’m still afraid of dogs today. Apparently I’m using this blog as a therapy session today.) So, what are some of the myths, legends or scary stories that stick with you from childhood...or that you tell your children?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What's in a name?

So I was watching parts of a King of the Hill episode the other day which got me thinking about names. In this particular episode one of the characters just had a baby and was planning on naming it (it was a girl by the way) Lasagna…because they just thought it was a pretty name. It made me laugh endlessly…because it’s true. Now, I don’t claim to be a naming expert…in fact, I have yet to actually name any living creature…and so am fully aware of my un-expertise in the area. But I do live in the plane of reality and am sometimes appalled, confused, or just taken aback by the names that people give their children. For those of you who may not know, I work in a pediatric clinic and therefore see an abundance of ridiculous children’s names. I blame this phenomenon on celebrities (as I like to do with most of the world’s problems and absurdities…Pilot Inspector, Moxy Crimefighter…really?!?!). I don’t know when it became trendy to pin your child with a name that is just asking to be used as a weapon for endless taunting. I remember an old episode of full house where Stephanie wanted to change her name because the kiddies were calling her Step-on-me (this is yet another useless trivia that fills the wasteland that apparently is my brain). I am not opposed to the name and know that any name can be twisted by a clever 6 year-old but some people don’t really think about the social aspects of a name like Lasagna. I encourage creativity but not absurdity. And as a soon to be teacher, I implore you to make sure that the name is pronounceable without the implementation of clicking or other linguistic measures.
On a different note, I saw a trailer for the Race to Witch Mountain for the first time last night! I might add the Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is looking mighty fine. I hope you are all as excited as I am!!! Whoo-hoo!
A final thought for the day…I stole this one from my cousin-in-law Melissa. She had it on her blog and it made me happy today. So, I’m going to steal it to share with you. Hope it makes you happy too!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just a couple of thoughts

I know, a ridiculous amount of time has elapsed since I’ve last blogged. Oh well. I assume everyone has lived through this dry spell. So I’ve decided to just update you on some of my most recent rants:

Don’t clip your fingernails in public!!! Who does this? On more than one occasion I have come across people who do this. For example, last week at church we were all sitting there minding our own spiritual business…a solemn uplifting experience going on…when all of a sudden there is a loud CLICK…the unmistakable click of nail clippers. For some people the scratching of a chalkboard is unnerving…for me it is a mild irritant in comparison to the sound fingernails being clipped. I automatically have visions of quarter moon clippings flying haphazardly and impaling people in the eyeballs! This is disgusting and annoying! I understand when there is a chipped nail emergency (in which case, quickly take care of the emergency….preferably with a file…and go about your business) but this particular lady was just clipping away and then proceeded to clip her granddaughter’s fingernails! Come on! This isn’t the only the incident that I’ve had a run in with public clippers. If you are one of these people…I was going to say cut it out, but that is kind of the problem….so just stop it!!!

On the raving front (you know, for equal coverage) kudos to Justin Timberlake. I am finding that I am becoming more and more of a fan of JT. So, as most of you know the Grammys were last Sunday. I will be honest, I only watched a couple of the performances (mostly because I can’t stand award shows anyway….no one gives me a flippin’ award just for doing my job!….and isn’t it enough that they get paid millions of dollars?!...sorry, that went more into rant territory for a minute…I’ll try to stay on task). Well Rihanna had to unfortunately withdraw at the last minute and guess who volunteered to step up…yep, good ol’ JT. I doubt that the majority of the “talent” in the room had enough “talent” to actually step in and work something together at the last minute. Although I missed the performance that filled this time (the one with Al Green) I did catch his performance with TI and was very impressed with not only his vocal ability but also his mad piano skills. On a little bit of a mini-rant…TI is looking at jail time for a gun possession charge but has been using his career and calling it “redemption.” I’m sorry dude, but that is totally not how the justice system works. You do the crime, you do the time. Just because I’m going to visit the little old lady down the street doesn’t mean that I can call it “redemption” and get out of a speeding ticket. Anyway…moral of the story - well done Justin T.

So is there anything that you’ve been wanting to rant or rave about?