Thursday, February 26, 2009

I ain't afraid of no ghosts!!

So, I’ve been chatting with my good buddy Cecilia today about myths, legends, and scary stories. This was all brought on because I spent the weekend in Gallup visiting my family…and everybody knows there are skinwalkers in Gallup! Let me back up about 20 some years. Growing up whenever we would get together with our all of our cousins my Uncle would always tell us scary stories (this is the same uncle that told us that we had to eat our vegetables so that our boobies would grow…no joke). Not just scary stories, very elaborate scary stories complete with props (okay so maybe the eyeballs were just olives but in the dark when you are an 8 year old chicken, it is very convincing). My cousin Brian picked up right where his dad left off when all the grown ups left. Who can forget the timeless classic of “Jooooohnny…I want my liver back!” (If you don’t know this one, trust me, you’re not missing out) Looking back I realize the stupidity of these stories. However, to this day I refuse to watch scary movies…even the lame ones (I watched the Ring 2 with some friends and even as completely stupid as it was, I had a tough time driving home by myself!!) So, being back in Gallup reminded me of all my irrational fears…which I dealt with by trying to scare my sister with tales of skinwalkers (she totally is not the weenie that I am and my scare tactics didn’t work…but I managed to freak myself out just a little…okay a lot).
Well all of this has gotten me thinking about the scary stories from our childhood. Cecilia and I were talking about La Llorona which is a classic here in Northern New Mexico (and all around the world, especially Kansas City according to Wikipedia). My parents never told us that La Llorona was going to get us, as I have heard other people tell their kids (thank goodness, could you imagine what a lunatic I would be if they had…my mom did tell me that the dogs would get me whenever I would try to run away…which was surprisingly often…and I’m still afraid of dogs today. Apparently I’m using this blog as a therapy session today.) So, what are some of the myths, legends or scary stories that stick with you from childhood...or that you tell your children?


Anonymous said...

Johnny Begay and La Llorna are coming for you Amanda Woodson!! I am afraid of people with tape on their nose. They just give me the willys!!

tehaws said...

Sorry that my hometown spooks you so bad!. And I want you to know that Johnny I want my liver back was MY story first- the younger Bryan just picked it up where he I left off - but I pretty sure I was not the uncle who explained the veggie's affects on female mammary growth.

Thanks for your support this last weekend. It meant a great deal to me to have you come and be a part of the day. We love you and Bettie and glad to see the skinwalkers did not get to you while here.


Anonymous said...

I got you covered on the skinwalker front. Johnny Begay knows better than to come after me, and those I am with. La Llorna is another story. And uncle Brian did that to all of us but, after hearing Brandon say "Johhny I want my liver back" I was less scary and more funny.

Courtney said...

One of my biggest fears was LaLlorna also, since I grew up in NM too. I think it started with my brother hearing the stories at boy scout camp. That name still freaks me out. I can't believe I was even able to type it. Just reading it on your post gave me the chills.