Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who let the dogs out?

So, spring has sprung…and then went into hiding. I don’t know about where you are, but it is freezing in this part of the world. I was trying to will the spring to stick around, I even busted out a pair of Capri’s in a fit of optimism which only lead to me being a popsicle all day (of course the next day I bundled myself up and burned up all day…I just can’t win). Today it is blizzarding outside (and not the good Dairy Queen kind…can you imagine?!?! that would be wicked awesome). Because I live in New Mexico, it’s not just a blizzard, it’s also ridiculously windy. You know what they say…March comes in like a lion and out like a lion (okay maybe its out like a lamb…but it seems more like a lion too). Our fruit trees have even blossomed and are now probably freezing as we speak…or write…or whatever. Oh well, they’ve never actually produced fruit (except the cherry tree)…because this is New Mexico and they freeze every year. In other weird yard news, we have a wild pack of dogs that are roaming around our “neighborhood” (I use the term neighborhood loosely, because we have neighbors but no paved roads/sidewalks/trash service…and there is vast wilderness to backside of our property…and a golf course). We often have a wide variety of wild animals roaming in and out of our yard…rabbits, road runners, and a freakish number of cats. Well, this dog pack isn’t your ordinary pack of wild dogs….its a pack of little house dogs! There are several little Chihuahua’s and a little mutt that run together. I assume that they belong to someone (at least I’m pretty sure that they don’t grow in the wild here) but these crazy little dogs must think that they are bigger than they are. They kind of act like a crazy teen gang that terrorizes the neighbors (not that I’ve actually encountered such gangs…but I’ve seen the movie The Outsiders and other 80’s movies, so I’m pretty much an expert). These little tiny dogs will not move out of the way and will try to stare you down. My sis has even had a couple of run-ins with these little punk dogs (okay so they won’t move and then try to run down the car as it drives down the driveway). It’s the weirdest thing.
One more thing to make you smile today….this is a video of my friend Kate’s little girl Jazmine dancing. It’s hilarious!!!


kera said...

awesome! well, here's it fairly warm. but also windy, due to santa anas. i guess spring is just windy every where.
are you sure the dogs aren't wild? i've seen packs of wild dogs all over in nm. maybe they just grow chihuahuas in those there parts...

kera said...

so apparently i can't spell or use correct grammer. it's a friday after 5... that's all i can say.

tehaws said...

You know the old saying- don't like the weather in NM- wait 10 minutes. We had snow again this morning and winds that blew off shingles. Spring is my least favorite season because of the winds the the wild changes. Give me fall any time.

Erica said...

You're so funny, Amanda! This post made me smile. :)