Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Once again, a UFO has landed in America, the only country UFOs ever seem to land in.

I think that the alien invasion has begun. I assume it will be subtle, so most of you probably haven’t noticed yet. Now, I don’t claim to be an expert by any means (Although I have been to Roswell on several occasions…okay, the extent of my Roswell experience is also limited to the McDonalds shaped like a space ship, the Arby’s which apparently has no alien affiliation, and two marginally scary gas stations where I have frequented in my many travels to and from hell…aka Hobbs) but I’m pretty sure that alien invasion is the only logical explanation for several different things that I’ve noticed lately. On a cliff driving from Los Alamos there is a yellow sign. It looks like a yellow diamond traffic sign similar to a deer crossing sign, only instead of a picture of a deer it is an alien face. This particular sign is in a very inconspicuous place, in fact I bet the majority of people who drive down that hill have never even noticed it. (Several people can attest to its existence…I’ve pointed it out to them and they can see it too…so I’m pretty sure it’s not imaginary). It is in the middle of a very high cliff, stuck into a boulder which sits upon another even bigger boulder. I don’t think that a human could feasibly reach it so it goes without saying that the aliens must have planted it.
Secondly there is a particularly suspicious news woman who anchors one of the local news channels. I call her “Crazy Eyes Ribano” which is not even remotely close to her assumed alias…her name is actually Shelly Ribando, but trust me, Crazy Eyes fits her much better. She apparently has an aversion to blinking. As Bettie says, she looks like she is trying to have a staring contest with the camera and is determined to win. (In fact, Bettie usually yells at the TV to tell her “It’s a camera, it’s not going to blink!”…there’s a lot of yelling at the TV in our home.) She seems almost normal in every other way, so I’m marginally confident that she is indeed a visitor among us (an alien, if you will).
There have probably been more signs, but I am just now being made aware of the invasion myself. Have any of you noticed anything?

P.S. Here is my dad’s favorite saying about Hobbs, which is why I refer to it as hell (other than the fact that it’s been over 100 degrees long before May even began)…If the devil owned Hobbs and Hell, he would live in Hell and rent out Hobbs!


Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda,
You are going to have to show that to my husband. He is convinced that there really are UFOs and would love to see your sign.
As usually, you are in true form and and funny as ever.
Love you lots

Anonymous said...

Hey don't you ever wonder where we found you and the reason you see all the "signs" is you're looking for a way home? HaHaa J/K I love your bloggs and they make me smile.
keep them up you have a gift to make people smile.
Love you, Mom

Erica said...

Do you have a picture of that sign?? Cool!

And I agree with the other comments here. You are one funny lady. :)

kera said...

you know, hobbs was number one on my list of places to visit, but you've convinced me to refrain. jk. i'll have to go visit aztec to see if the aliens have come back to visit. apparently new mexico is the only place they decide to crash land!