Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Liar liar pants on fire

Is it just me or has everyone been having a crazy life lately. Mother Teresa said “I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.” (even though I’m sure that that is a translation, I wonder if you’re supposed to put quotes around a translation…hmmm) That is definitely how I’ve been feeling the last week or two or three…Anyway, lest you think that I’ve fallen off the face of the earth or am hiding under a rock, I’ve decided to post on my blog today. Which totally reminds me that my parents used to tell us that they found us under a rock…I wonder what kind of psychological damage that has had…thanks a lot guys!...I think I will use that, sorry I’m such a weirdo but my parents told me they found me under a rock. That has me thinking about some of the other lies that parents tell their children. I don’t have any children, but I’m not exempt from lying to children. My nephews have been told many a tall tale by me (sorry sis) and I’m sure that any future nieces or nephews will also be subject to stories. I even lie to the little kids at church. I had several of them convinced that my sister was a real vampire at the ward Halloween party. I’m sure this builds confidence for all the parents of my future students. I have yet to tell stories to the kiddies at the school where I am doing some of my student teaching so that has to be promising.
So, today is Election Day! Woo-hoo! It’s almost over! I hope you all have voted or are planning to cast you vote sometime today! Today I’m wearing a “My Vote Counted” sticker that I got when I voted this morning. When I was voting there was a guy there with his son who looked at his dad and said, "Is this boating?" in a very disappointed way. Apparently he understood boating when his dad told him they were voting today. I won’t get all political on you but as part of being an American I urge everyone to take advantage of your right and to take responsibility. On a sadder note, because it is Election Day all the regularly scheduled TV is out the door. I for one don’t care to listen to all the political commentary on every single channel. I do care who wins, just tell me when it’s all over.
On a completely separate note, Happy Birthday to Ralph Macchio! Can you believe the karate kid is 47!?! Which means that he was 23 when they did the first karate kid!!! More like Karate Man…I suppose that doesn’t have the same ring to it.
So, I’ve written a broad range of thoughts today…so I expect a lot of comments! Tell me some of the lies you tell your kids…or you can tell me about your voting experience…or about your feelings on the Karate Kid!...And go vote!


Anonymous said...

My favorite lie to tell my kids is always around christmas time. When they are not being the good little angels I raised them to be, I like to tell them that I just saw Santa out the window. This lie always makes them stop dead in their tracks and can be pretty fun to watch. Oh and Happy Birthday Daniel Son!

Anonymous said...

What is this about you telling my sons lies, how dare you, only I can do that.JK. Let me tell you of one time we were rabbit hunting and Jess wanted us to get one so he could go home and cook it and eat it. Well we didn't get one so the next day I bought a whole chicken and told him it was rabbit. Well it came to bite me in the butt because the other day he says "remember when mom cooked a rabbit" I totally forgot about the whole lie until he kept at it, Shane says i need to quit lying to my kids if i can't remember what i lie about. My Jess remember everything so beware. He might bring something up that you totally forgot about.

Courtney said...

That kid at the polls who thought he was going boating reminds me of my mom. When she was little and it was time to go to Stake Conference her dad told her, "get dressed and in the car, we're going to the Stake House." She totally thought they were going out for a steak dinner, so she was a confused child when they got to church.

Anonymous said...

I voted for the first time. Well the first time in a presidental election. I did vote last week for the cutest country star, but I doubt that counts. As for lying to kids. I sure that I have. But none come to mind (besides the fact that I am a vampire). But when kids grow up they think its funny that you lied. Like mom and day (and Trudy and Amanda) telling me that dad use to be a Elvis impersonator. I belived them for a second.

Amanda Woodson said...

I was just talking to dad about that. We only told you he was an Elvis Impersonator because they had us beliving it for many years.

Anonymous said...

yes they did. And we totally fell for it so we had to pass it on. And Amanda come to think of it I think our parents found us all under that same old rock.

Anonymous said...

I used to tell Kinnedy that there were alligators under her bed so she would have to call us when she wanted to get out, so we could check and make sure that they were gone and wouldn't bite her.

kera said...

when we were little, my dad told us he had a pet terydactyl. it was either him, or my older siblings, but either way, somebody lied to us. :)
i'm sure i've done my share of lying to the kids i've babysat in years past. but they are all in high school now, so hopefully they forgive me.