Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Meet my arch nemesis...

So, after some confusion I’ve decided to post for you all to know why Mark Ronchetti is my arch nemesis. Okay, it really isn’t to that point yet…but in all actuality I do blame him for most everything. The animosity that exists between us goes back quite a long way…to at least a year ago. Let me begin by explaining that part of my genetic make up is not to be a morning person (I’m not actually a night person either…I’m more of a late morning/early afternoon person, with a second wind between 7-9 pm). Well last winter I grumpily rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom for my normal shower routine. En route to the bathroom I usually pass by the big window in our front room…as was the case the morning of the first incident. Well, glancing out the window I noticed about seventeen feet of snow (It may have actually been anywhere from a light dusting to a couple of inches for all I knew in my befuddled morning brain…but for the sake of accuracy I will stick with my initial assessment of seventeen feet). My very first thought when I noticed Mother Nature’s wet wintery contribution was, “Stupid Mark Ronchetti…you ruin everything.” As soon as the thought passed through my mind, I laughed aloud realizing the fact that I couldn’t really blame the weatherman for the snowy day…or could I? Well, needless to say from that time forward I began to notice how much his rosy cheeked-guy smiley-grinning face annoys me. Honestly, whenever his face appears on the TV, I have to change the channel and the thought always comes…stupid Mark Ronchetti, making me change the channel…or stupid Mark Ronchetti, you don’t know...or something to that effect. Now it’s kind of an ongoing joke amongst many of my cohorts. In fact, last week we had two full days without power…I’m pretty sure that Mark Ronchetti was behind it. Okay, I suppose it’s a bit irrational. But if you have a scapegoat…why not use him?!
Anyway, we are surviving this week of snow just in time for Christmas. Other than the driving in it and freezing temperatures, it does put one in the Christmas spirit. It has taken awhile for me to really get into the swing of things but I now finally feel that familiar excitement for my favorite holiday. Our tree is up and decorated…although we decided to put it smack dab in the middle of the room this year…just because we can!!! On Sunday we took some young women and went over to an older lady’s house to decorate her tree. It was quite an experience…she wanted to put everything on a little tree. Her tree is definitely decorated now…in fact I don’t think there are any more branches left to decorate. That and the fact that her little dog peed on one of the girls made for an interesting afternoon. Oh the joys of Christmas. There are so many things I love about this time of year…what are some of yours?

1 comment:

kera said...

haha! if it snows on saturday when i am driving, i'll blame it on mark ronchetti! (but pray that it doesn't, cause that wouldn't be so fun). i'll be in farmpit for two weeks, so i guess i'll have to reaquaint myself with winter.