Monday, December 8, 2008

My First 29th Birthday!!

No, I’m not dead…I was just in Utah. You draw your own conclusions. Shout out to all my Saltines!!! (That’s what I’ve decided to call you people from Salt Lake…I almost went for Lakers but it was a little overdone plus with the Saltines there’s a fun kind of cracker reference in there…it’s great on several levels) It was a blast and I got to see several of my good friends, my favorite big sister, my favorite brother and their families. Got to do the whole temple square light fun (we spent more time finding a place to park than actually at the lights but oh well) and several other Utah-type experiences. Way fun!!! Can’t wait to do it again in 3 short weeks!
Well, for those of you who don’t know….HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! Yep, it’s that time of year again! (I totally just had a drug rep guy come in and tell me that it is also some catholic immaculate conception day and explained the meaning of it, which I kinda already knew…it was a little strange and uncomfortable.) So I thought I would share some of my sage wisdom and things I’ve learned now that I’m at a ripe old age (I’ve shared some of these with you so if you’ve heard this before…I must really mean it)
- You can go a lot further than you think you can when your gas light comes on. (This is one I learned literally this weekend, but I think it also has figurative layers there too…I’ll let you dissect that one for yourselves)
- Adolescence should be termed a mental disorder (Seriously, the pre frontal lobes of the brain don’t fully develop until a person reaches their late teens/early twenties which causes all kinds of impulse control issues and other problems. Looking back at my teenage years from a distance now and having several teenage acquaintances, I have to think of it as a mental disorder in order to keep my own sanity….which is somewhat connected to my next point…)
- Even if someone else’s problem seems insignificant or stupid to you, it’s still a problem for them…which is probably why it’s their trial and not yours. I think we all come across this in teenagers (see above mentioned mental disorder) as well as in other people where they are going crazy over something stupid or insignificant (which everyone may know is stupid or insignificant and which the person may one day look back and think of as stupid) but it doesn’t make their anxiety/pain/stress/problem any less real. I think we all need to realize that a little bit more and have a little more compassion for each other’s trials (even if we think they are stupid).
- Life isn’t made of checklists (although it would probably be easier if it was). I think we have all heard the saying “if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans”. Even though it’s painfully difficult sometimes, we don’t always get things in the order or at the time we think we should.
- When in doubt, blame Mark Ronchetti (This is one of those ones that most of you have heard me rant about before and I can pretty much pinpoint the decline of western civilization to him. He’s our local weather man…and he ruins everything).
So tell me some of the things you’ve learned so far…and go out and celebrate wherever you are!!!


Anonymous said...

I too had a good time this weekend, to bad we had to miss the festival of trees. It was fun playing games and shopping with you. Although I spent too much money I think it was worth it. Happy Birthday once again, I think I have wished you a Happy Birthday 5 times or something to that affect. I am also not looking forward to the teenage age thing with my boys. At 12 it is already to hard for me. I on the other hand was a great teenager just ask mom. (I think I gave her most of her gray hairs)

kera said...

thanks for the advice. i hope i'm as wise as you when i turn 29! happy birthday!

tehaws said...

So happy to see you back. Still scratching my head as to why Mark Rohnchetti is the source of all the bad things in your life, but oh well.

Happy day late birthday. I love you and hope that you can stay 29 forever.

Melissa said...

HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!! It sounds like you had a great time in Salt Lake and that you have learned much wisdom in your 29 years! Me and donald will have to go celebrate in honor of you! Its nice to have an excuse to celebrate!

Love ya!